Social Media Questionnaire Contact Person * First Name Last Name Briefly describe your business: What products or services do you offer? Who is your target audience? (e.g., demographics, location, interests): What makes your business unique? (e.g., value proposition, brand personality): What are your main goals for social media? (please specify): What metrics will determine success? List the core themes or pillars you want to focus on for your social media: (e.g., educational posts, product highlights, client testimonials, behind-the-scenes content) What tone and voice do you want for your content? Professional, fun, approachable, etc.: Do you have a logo, brand kit, or other visual assets we should use? Yes No Are there specific colors, fonts, or imagery styles you prefer? What keywords or phrases best describe your business for SEO purposes? List any important hashtags for your industry or brand: Are there specific products, services, or events you want highlighted regularly? Do you have any holidays, sales, or special events coming up that we should focus on? Is there anything else we should include or avoid in your social media schedule? Thank you! I will reach out with the next 24-48 hours!